Privacy Policy

 Who is Responsible for processing your data?

Manuel Romero as the owner of the website


Phone: +34 692558032

Visiting this website does not oblige the user to provide any information about themselves. If the user provides any personal information, the data collected on this website will be used for the purpose, in the manner, and with the limitations and rights specified in Organic Law 15/1999, on the Protection of Personal Data. The data provided by users will be incorporated into the personal files for which Manuel Romero is responsible, where they will be kept confidentially.

 What is the purpose of processing your personal data?

Purpose 1: To maintain our contact list.

– As an interested party who has contacted us with a query or request for information, so that we can respond to you.
– As a contact person to maintain direct relationships.

Purpose 2: The sending of commercial communications, including by email and other equivalent electronic communication means, about our products and services, as well as information about events and occurrences, if you have requested and granted us your authorization.

 How long will we keep your data?

Personal data provided will be kept for Purpose 1:

– If you are an interested party who has contacted us: Up to 12 months after addressing your request, in case of further communications regarding that query or information request.
– If you are a contact person to maintain direct relationships, the data will be kept as long as the relationship is maintained and within the legal retention periods.

For Purpose 2 of sending commercial communications, we will retain your data for 12 months from the completion of the form, unless you express your opposition to continue receiving our communications.

Automated decisions, profiles, and applied logic:

The company will NOT make automated decisions.

 What is the legal basis for processing your data?

The legal basis for processing your data for Purpose 1of maintaining the contact list is:

– If you are an interested party who has contacted us, the legal basis is obtaining your consent.
– If you are a contact person to maintain direct relationships, it is the legitimate interest of the controller, in accordance with Article 6.1.f of the GDPR.

For Purpose 2 of sending commercial communications, the legal basis for processing your data is obtaining your consent.

To whom will your data be communicated?

During the processing period, Manuel Romero will not communicate your data to third parties, except collaborators related to the requested service.

Manuel Romero may have the collaboration of third-party service providers who may need access to your personal data to provide the service, but they will treat the data with all legal guarantees, following our instructions, and after signing a data protection contract where we require, among other things, to treat the data exclusively for the agreed purposes, apply appropriate technical and organizational measures, and delete and return the data upon completion of the service.

 What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether Manuel Romero is processing personal data concerning them or not.

You also have:

– The right to request access to your personal data.
– The right to request rectification.
– The right to request deletion.
– The right to request the limitation of processing.
– The right to object to processing.
– The right to data portability.
– The right to withdraw the given consent.
– The right to information.
– The right to object to being subject to individual automated decisions.

To exercise your rights, send a written request with a copy of your ID to:

Manuel Romero


Additionally, we inform you that you can contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( for further information or to file a complaint, for instance, if you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights.